Baton Rouge to Natchez 134 miles

Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana, but when the treaty was signed in 1803 with Spain they retained two places - Baton Rouge and St. Francisville/Bayou Sara.  In Baton Rouge in the Spanish section the residents took to putting flamingoes on their homes to show that they were West Florida and in Francisville and Baton Rouge there was an uprising by the citizens that created a separate flag and nation of West Florida - Blue Flag with a white star.

We enjoyed a walk through the city to see the old capital building which we loved - so different from other capitals.

While the old capital looks like a castle the current one looks like a 1930's skyscraper - like the Foshay Tower in Minneapolis.  Our guides as we walked the capital grounds.

The cool temps are holding back migration and also stopping the movement of people - except those off the boat.  In the low 30's in the morning this is winter weather for the south.
One bird that is another early migrant - the killdeer entertained us along the railroad grade.

Traveling north we saw white pelicans on the river - slow in their migration too, they are starting to become established all along the river from IL to the coast.
 Turkey vultures will be seen soon in the north and like here will be soaring on the thermals
In St. Francisville the wistera was in bloom and the azaleas are at their peak.
 Azalea and Spanish Moss

Kate with St Francis in St Francisville

 Ragwort was in bloom throughout the flood plain.

 Blackberry brambles along the road.
Sycamore leaves - young and growing.


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