Potosi WI brewery

Set in a wonderful hollow just north and west of Dickeyville, WI is Potosi.  Well worth the drive off the major roadway, this small location is home to one to some of the greatest beers to be found.

http://www.potosibrewery.com/ is the website for this terrific location and on the site you can not only get location information but also a history of the brewery:  Welcome to Potosi Brewing Company, one of the oldest breweries in Wisconsin dating back to 1852. The Brewery was re-opened by the Potosi Foundation in 2008 and now, in addition to brewing beer like the good old days, Potosi Brewing Co. 

Famous for its Root Beer which Kate had the best recommendation must come from Kate's brother who comes here with some regularity to buy the root beer for his wife.  The great restaurant helps too and so does the beer.  

We had an excellent pumpkin chili and I had a sampler which was really excellent.  Here are my notes from my tasting:
Grades - 1 - 5 color from yellow to opaque 
1 - 5 malt to hops
1 - 10 taste - a Budweiser, Miller, Coors would be a 3

 Good old potosi. 
Classic but better. 
1,5. 2.5. 6

Cave ale
2.9. 3. 6. 
Not so interesting

Snake hollow. IPA
3. 4.5 9.9
Great rich fullness with bursting hops. 

Hopsmith imperial IPA
3.3. 4.7. 9.5

Fiddler oatmeal stout
4.6. 3.4. 7.5
Moderate. Nothing stands out not as rich as oatmeal usually is richer than this.  They said that this was not done locally, but at Point - might explain it. 

Barley wine. Aged in Korbel brandy barrel
Great vanilla oak
1. 2.5. 8
Best B W ever. Shock for me since I have never liked Barley Wines

Potosi slugger oatmeal stout in Templeton rye whiskey barrel
5. 3.8. 9.9 
Great flavor. Easy to drink and rich flavored stout. Templeton Barrel puts it over the top.

Not sure how the bottles will be - I brought home a lot to try.  Currently bottled in Steven's Point, but next year will be on site.

 The Templeton Rye was too expensive to bring home for me, but it is really an outstanding product.

Sampler is a good way to go.
Assistant brew master was really informative and willing to answer my questions. 


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