How we have changed the balance - Crowley
When I ski the trails on our property I am always looking at the tracks. They change daily and with the snow conditions. Many (too many) are made by deer, and there are plenty of squirrel tracks and occasional feral cat prints, but what I am really looking for are canine tracks. Not those made by dogs, but by wolf, coyote or red fox. I think I have seen one coyote track crossing through our woods in the last week and possibly a fox track today, but they are rare sightings. I am sure there are occasional wolves in the nearby CC Andrews State forest, but they have not ventured onto our property that I know of. We, Americans of European descent, have a complicated and convoluted history with canines. On the one hand we have a deep, abiding love of our dogs, which are just domesticated wolves. But when it comes to the real thing and its cousins there are many who react with one of two extreme opinions. They either adore the wolf to a...