Shrubs, trees and feeders
WINGIN’ IT By Kate Crowley I stood on the deck under a somber, colorless sky and watched the chickadees and juncos hop around and flit back and forth to the feeders. When I first walked out the door they all scattered, but it doesn’t take long for these little birds to return to the business of feeding. One of these days I’m going to find a place to sit near the feeders and see just how long it takes for them to overcome their natural wariness and begin to feed around me. I also noticed a couple chickadees sitting within the tangled branches of the mock orange shrubs next to the sidewalk. I was only 3 feet away from one of them, but it continued to industriously peck at the sunflower seed held in its foot. There is an easy comfort standing so close to a small bird like this. Beneath this shrub there is a spray of shells indicating the popularity of this dining area. The same can be seen beneath the other mock orange and beneath the lilac sh...